Millions of Dead Cops + Barackca

Wann: Mittwoch, 30. April 2025 20:00 Uhr

Wo: Monkeys Music Club, Hamburg

Monkeys Music Club
© Monkeys Music Club

Millions of Dead Cops + Barackca

Descriptions of the bands: ’NO PUTIN, NO ORBAN’ tour 2025

  BARACKCA an political punk-hardcore band from (Hungary). Since 1993 they play non compromise lyrics with own styled punk/hc music which is mixed the Hungarian punkstyle with US hardcorepunk with anarcho mentality. Their songs are most often politically and socially critical, strongly anti-capitalist and therefore anti-fascist and against violence and discrimination. Some songs are about people's generally poor emotional state, caused by current politics, consumerism, domestic violence and wars. They try to give some ideas to solve that kind of problems. They sing in Hungarian language, but between the songs explain about the lyrics and their meanings on English or German. In those many years the band play around whole Europe and South-East Asia more than 900 concerts. Released 8 albums and working on the next one.

  MILLIONS OF DEAD COPS (MDC) are the hardcore/punk pioneer from 1982 US. They were active band between 82'-95' then since 2000-today and released 10 albums and many split and EP the last released album was in 2023 (War is a Racket). They had influence on so many bands and the punk hardcore scene with their attitude, lyrics and music. The singer/founder Dave Dictor (70) also wrote couple of books about the scene and memoir from his past with the band. Tons of concerts behind them and still every year they touring. Political very active the band they played many times for the benefit of various social organizations. Einlass: 19:29 Uhr

Preis: 20 €

Vorverkauf: 19.9

powered by Hamburg-Tourismus

Termine der Veranstaltung

Mittwoch, 30. April 2025
20:00 Uhr


Monkeys Music Club
Barnerstraße 16
22765 Hamburg - Ottensen